My First Wedding.

My First Wedding.

I will never forget when I was asked to do my first wedding. Of course I was as nervous as hell, who wouldn't be; after all it’s not an occasion you could ask every one back to do again.  It was a family wedding so there was some comfort in that.

I was using a Fuji-Film FinePix S602 ZOOM and the bride’s father’s camera as well set to take all my B+W photos. If only I knew then, what I know now. I could have done such a better job. All the same the Bride and Groom were happy with all the photos they got which were the main thing.

I had created the inside of the mass booklets, photos and the DVD of the wedding. How I got it all done I can’t remember but I did. I was given the video footage of the wedding and mixed it with my photographs along with the music played on the day. Maybe that made up for all the mistakes I made.

So what did I do right on the day well I planned it. I searched the net talked to the Bride regarding what she wanted and what was happening so I knew when I could take the photos. I had a list of the service with me so I was ready for any photo opportunities and because I had created the mass booklets I had a better insight to the whole event.

I got some great photos on the day the bride leaving her room coming down the stairs, the groom in the pub with all the groomsmen. 


What I missed out on was these were not thought through properly for me. I hadn't planned for these shots and they could have been done better if I had.

The other mistake I had made was not paying enough attention to what people were doing and giving them better or more direction.

But I had learned two things from this wedding.

  •                             Be prepared
  •                             My style (reportage / documentary style photography)


I was complimented on the fact that there were a lot of natural photos taken on the day people in their own element and not posing for me.   But of course I also had directed the posing for the camera too.

I often wonder if my first wedding was family would it have gone so well or would it have been a complete disaster. So I have to thank Joanne and Phil for the opportunity they gave me in capturing their wedding, it was a pleasure and great learning experience. 


Seagulls in Dublin

SeagullBaby-1 -1
SeagullBaby-1 -1

Here are a number of photos I have taken over the past few years of Sea Gulls. All these photos have been taken in Dublin, Ireland. 


When you come from a coastal town, you get plenty of opportunity to see the Gulls and take the photos. I often love to watch how they simply glide through the currents of wind with little or no effort.  I couldn't name all the different species of the gull family and I would mainly come across the large common Seagull around the coastline of Dublin. Maybe not the cutest of birds but all the same a bird to admire. Generally not living in the kindest environments and for this you can or give them for not being the cutest birds. 

If given the opportunity the will take the food from your mouth literally in extreme cases.

birdsANIMseagull, Birds, nature